Thursday, December 29, 2011

HIDDEN FACTS ABOUT MORMON.ORG - What the Official Mormon Church Website Will Not Tell You

- Is the Mormon Church a Christian religion? To answer this question, we will briefly examine some of the main topics discussed at, compare the beliefs of Mormonism with the teachings of the Bible, and discuss facts that the Mormon Church hides from viewers of this website.
 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the Mormon Church or Mormonism) presents itself as a Christian religion. In keeping with its goal to be accepted by the public as another denomination of Christianity, the 2007 English version of the Mormon Church’s official website was nicely watermarked with the image of Jesus Christ as seen at the Visitors Center of the Salt Lake, Utah Temple Square.
Is the Mormon Church a Christian religion? To answer this question, we will briefly examine some of the main topics discussed at, compare the beliefs of Mormonism with the teachings of the Bible, and discuss facts that the Mormon Church hides from viewers of this website.




lds-witnessI am a former Mormon. I now have much peace knowing the truth.
“I just wanted to thank you for this great teaching site. I am a former Mormon. I now have much peace knowing the truth. I am a new believer of Jesus in the way he would want me to know him and of his love for me.  I have been born again for a little over a year. Thank You! Please pray for myself and my family. I still have thoughts of the Mormon ways. How controlling it can be. What release I have found now.”
lds_templeThis is fantastic! Your information is incredibly helpful as I almost got caught up in Mormonism.
“This is fantastic! Your information is incredibly helpful as I almost got caught up in this Mormonism religion. I'm now embracing Christianity but I refuse to  join a church as I'm trying to have my own personal relationship with Christ first of all. I read your article on Salvation and  I said the salvation prayer.  Thank you ever so much for that example.”
mountain-path2Thank you for being there for me!
"Hello, I found your website quite by accident, but once I started reading, it was hard to stop. As it is… I am currently on a spiritual journey and trying to figure out which 'religion' to follow... Thinking I was starting my search into Mormonism again, I ended up on your site. The more I read, the more it made senseThank you for being there for me to find. I think your website was my ‘sign’ to find, read, and learn from.”
manti_temple2Your Website Touched Me!
“I am contacting you to express to you how much the information that you offer in your website touched me. I myself was a Mormon. And it was not long after I stopped taking their word for it and research the history and the doctrine as a whole my self …did I notice that it was a lie, laced with God’s (Word) truth. The information that you offer about what the LDS believe is correct and I am glad that you are letting God use you in this ministry.”
lds_missionariesKeep up the good work!
“I live in Utah and last week I was approached by a couple of Mormon missionaries.  ...I took a little time to search your website and prepare myself for their next visit. I must say that I was very impressed and the information you provided was quite educational. ...Now that I’ve seen your website, I can address many of the other differences and contradictions that I wasn’t even aware of before.  …Keep up the good work.”
lds-answersI like your website because I can look for answers...
“Hi… I’m Christian, but some time ago I was Mormon. I give thanks to God because now I have a true relationship with God.  My life is different, but my husband isn't interested... because he was raised in the Mormon Church. …I like your website, because I can learn more about Mormonism and how to reach my husband …and in this site I can look for answers to questions that nobody has answered for me.”

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